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- Display list of parables
- Ask the youth what all of these words have in common
- Why did Jesus use stories to teach?
Learn Together:
(I used the article "Using Stories to Teach About the Priesthood" as the outline for this lesson. So headings, sections and paragraphs mentioned below come from this article. You can also find a pdf version in the printables and video link. I had the youth read the quotes from the article.)
- Read the 1st paragraph of section "Why Use Stories"
- To help us better understand why stories are a great way to teach we are going to use the following scenario: "Read the scenario at the beginning of the article about Anton"
- Read the 2nd paragraph of "Why Use Stories"
- Do they have any priesthood stories they could share with Anton? (If they can't think of anything, that's okay. They will remember experiences throughout the lesson and we will ask this question again later on.)
Likening the Scriptures:
- Ask the youth where can they find stories about the priesthood?
- Scriptures, Mormon Messages, their own experiences, other's experience
- Read Acts 8:14-24 and 3 Nephi 18:1-9, which are stories about the priesthood
- Read the section "Where to Find Stories"
- By now the youth have probably thought of a few stories they could share
Making it Personal:
- Read the section "What Stories to Use" and "When to Tell Stories"
- Put everything we have learned into action by watching the following videos and asked the youth to look for a principle. Afterwards ask them what it means to them personally.
- Faith in the Priesthood - What can you learn about preparation and the priesthood from President Monson?
- Sanctify Yourselves - What can you learn from the 18-year-old newly ordained Melchizedek priesthood holder about listening to the Spirit?
- Wartime Miracle - What can you learn about faith and the priesthood?
- Additional Stories, if you have time:
- Ask the youth if they thought of any stories they would like to share about the priesthood.
- Have the youth answer the question on the index card "What does the priesthood mean to me?"
Thank you so much for your inspiring ideas.