Saturday, June 29, 2013

PBL and Friends

Joining the Professional Business Leaders club was one of the best decisions I made this last school year. TENDER MERCY: I made some really great friends that I'm sure I will stay in contact with for a long time. We had our national competition and I placed top ten in both of the events that I competed in! Three trips to Downtown Disney, Knott's Berry Farm, Santa Monica Beach, David convincing me to buy $60 shoes, late night Pizza Hut and Cheesecake Factory, and lots of fun! Thanks to these great people for making this trip so good!
On the way back from Cali, I was able to spend a few days in Cedar City. Sonny Boys with my roommates and good talks. TENDER MERCY: I had great roommates who care about me and I will be lifelong friends! Also, it's official! I'm dating someone.... Ha ha, so happy to have a great guy in my life! I miss him tons. But we are going to make this long distance thing work. 

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