Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Remember, remember

I am so grateful for the opportunity that I had to go home this past weekend. I was able to spend time with my grandpa. He is in the care center going through therapy to strengthen his legs after he fell in the shower. I am always grateful for those extra moments I get to spend with him. He may be a BYU fan, but he is the best BYU fan I know. I pray that he will get the strength and confidence to return home. Grandpa, you need to be at my wedding, so you can't give up yet! TENDER MERCY: Another opportunity to visit him.

I got to help my sister ask someone to sweethearts. I kind of miss being able to ask people to dances in a creative way. It said, "I DIG you! Will you go to sweethearts with me? (Dig to find my name)" Wooden letters that spelled her name were mixed in with the dirt. Thanks Steph, for letting me help out. We doorbell ditched the bucket and shovel, then sped away. TENDER MERCY: I'm skilled at driving a stick!

I would say that I get along with most types of people and I am able to carry on a conversation with them. Some people it comes naturally with. However, I wish I could ask the questions I really want to ask. But I never have the guts! I don't want to live in regret! TENDER MERCY: I have another opportunity to ask. But its alway a little scary because I don't want to screw things up!

I picked "Remember, remember" for the title of this post, because I have been reading in Helaman. In Helaman 5, Helaman reminds Nephi and Lehi to remember who they are named after and what they stood for, among other things. President Spencer W. Kimball said, "When you look in the dictionary for the most important word, do you know what it is?... 'Remember' is the word." I would have never picked the word remember. But after thinking about it, it makes sense. The key to eternal life is to remember. Remember to keep the commandments, follow prophets and apostles, read scriptures, use the Atonement, be Christlike, serve, go to the temple, and so many other things. Just remember what you have been taught and endure to the end. Remember, remember, remember!

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