Tuesday, January 22, 2013

"Consider the Blessings"

As I was reading for my Institute class, Teachings of President Monson, this talk was exactly what I needed to hear. Even better, it goes along with the theme of this blog.

This is my favorite part of President Monson's talk from October 2012:

I absolutely love this last quote. I know that my Heavenly Father will bless me with what I want most. I just need to trust in him and recognize all the other great and marvelous blessings he has already given me. I want to do everything that I can, so he can bless me with those blessings he wants to bestow upon me. TENDER MERCY: This talk is exactly what I needed tonight, thanks to my choice to attend Institute, I am receiving comfort and peace in my life from the words of a prophet. "...whether by mine own voice, or the voice of my servants, it is the same." (D&C 1:38)


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