1. Introduction
- For me, this was the last week of the month, so we did our scripture chart drawing. Then passed out the new charts for April.
- We reviewed the challenge from last week.
- Trivia time: There are 6607 verses in the Book of Mormon. How many talk of Christ?
- 3925
- Display topic.
2. Making it Personal
- Read Elder Packer's story of giving a triple combination to Oxford found in his talk "The Reason for Our Hope". I split up the story into quotes.
- Pass out the worksheet
- What is your favorite scripture about Jesus Christ and/or the Atonement?
- Have the youth refer to the topical guide, if they do not have one.
- Write these scriptures on the board, then create a scripture chain as the youth read their scripture and share why they like it.
3. Likening the Scriptures
- Have each youth pick a picture of a story found in the scriptures listed on the worksheet. They will read the scripture associated with that picture. They will then teach the class how that story relates to the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
- I went over the story of Noah, referenced in the suggestions on lds.org, to give them an idea of how it will work. The ark is like the atonement because it can protect us from the flood of sin. Or the floods can wash away our sins.
- It is okay if youth choose the same pictures. They will probably come up with different ideas of how it relates to the atonement.
4. Conclusion
- Since it is the last week of March, I want to answer any questions they have about the Atonement. So I asked them if they had any questions.
- To end, I showed the video of the Gethsemane song that I love.
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