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1. Introduction
- Display list of music genres. What do these words have in common?
- Have the class think about their favorite type of music. Why is it your favorite?
- I talked about my favorite type of music and why. I also let those in my class share.
- Display Topic Poster.
2. Learn Together
- Pass out hymn books to each class member and have them turn to the First Presidency Preface in the front of the book.
- Read the 1st paragraph and discuss the scripture from D&C. Why do you think that music is important in the Gospel?
- Read the remaining sections in the preface, while discussing what blessings are promised.
- I shared this example from Elder Dallin H. Oaks' talk, "Worship through Music"
- When the Lord’s Apostles meet in modern times, the singing of hymns is still part of their meetings. The weekly meetings of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in the Salt Lake Temple always begin with a hymn. Elder Russell M. Nelson plays the organ accompaniment. The First Presidency, who conduct these meetings, rotate the privilege of selecting the opening song. Most of us record the date each hymn is sung. According to my records, the opening song most frequently sung during the decade of my participation has been “I Need Thee Every Hour”. Picture the spiritual impact of the Lord's servants singing that song before praying for his guidance in fulfilling their mighty responsibilities.
- What ways can church music help us in our lives? Do you have any special experience where church music helped you or invited the spirit?
3. Likening the Scriptures
- Can you think of any church songs that teach us about the Plan of Salvation?
- Direct the class to the Topical Guide in the back of the hymn book and find the section titled "Plan of Salvation".
- Musical Notes Matching Game
- I chose 5 hymns from the topical guide to discuss. To make it a little more exciting I created a memory match game. (I left two music notes blank, if you want to add more.)
- Once they found a match, we turned to the hymn, read the scriptures and skimmed through the lyrics.
- While reading, have them look for things they learn about the Premortal Life, Mortal Life, and Life after Death? I wrote these on the board under the appropriate heading.
4. Making it Personal
- The index card for this week had them answer the question - What did I learn about the plan of salvation from the words of the hymns?
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