Friday, December 16, 2016

Christmas: How Can I Share my Testimony that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?

All printouts for this lesson found HERE

1. Introduction

  • What are some of your family traditions during the Christmas season?
  • What is the best gift you have received?
  • What is the most memorable gift you have ever given?
2. Liken the Scriptures
  • Pass out "The First Christmas" worksheet found in the link above
  • Read Luke 2:1-20 and Matthew 2:1-14
  • As you read the Christmas story, have the youth look for gifts that were given on that first Christmas and lessons that we can learn from those who participated in that special night.
3. Learn Together
  • I had the youth open up a wrapped box. Inside was one figurine of my little nativity set and the quotes/scriptures found in the link above. These quotes/scriptures will help the youth learn more about them. 
  • I numbered the boxes and had them open them in the following order (But you can have them pick randomly if you would like):
  1. Mary
  2. Joseph
  3. The Shepherds
  4. The Wise Men
  • Discuss what gifts each one of these people or groups. What lessons can we learn from them?
4. Making it Personal
5. Handout
  • See printables above
  • "At this focal point of all human history, a point illuminated by a new star in the heavens revealed for just such a purpose, probably no other mortal watched—none but a poor young carpenter, a beautiful virgin mother, and silent stabled animals who had not the power to utter the sacredness they had seen. Shepherds would soon arrive and, later, wise men would follow from the East. But first and forever there was just a little family, without toys or trees or tinsel. With a baby - that's how Christmas began." - Elder Jeffery R. Holland 


  1. I just wanted to thank you for all you have done to share these lesson ideas! I was just called to teach the 15-16 year olds in my ward, and each time I prepare my lesson, I come here first because your blog has such inspired & spiritual ideas. Thank you thank you!

  2. Thank you for commenting! I'm glad that you guys can use these lessons.
